Let’s NORMALIZE Trade Schools
How to Create Timeless Content

How to Create Timeless Content
ATTN: Podcasters, Broadcasters, Vloggers, Authors & Webinar Hosts: I have a tip, THREE MAGIC WORDS that will TRANSFORM your business…and change the way you think about your content FOREVER. It’s so simple, but it’s HUGELY impactful…
Do NOT EVER say:
“WE ARE LIVE” on ANY your content.
It’s like when someone says, “let me be honest” or “truthfully”…does that mean they are bullshitting you the rest of the time?
When you SAY you are live, 99.9% of the time YOU ARE LYING…even if you do not realize it.
I’ll explain in a minute…Plus, I’m going to teach you how to TIME TRAVEL.
But first know this:
No one cares if you are LIVE. You think they do, but they don’t.
If you want to underscore to someone that you will be presenting something LIVE, do so in the header, in the invite, in the email or in the marketing material!
Do NOT do this IN your content.
#1 When you do this, you INSTANTLY make yourself a LIAR.
BECAUSE 99.9999% of those who consume your content will do so when it is NO LONGER live. Think about it.
#2 You FORCE the content to have an expiration date WELL BEFORE it should expire…and in many cases simply omitting this ONE LINE will make your content EVERGREEN!
Worse yet, we live in a time where everything you create lives FOREVER!!!
Consider the following:
MOST people who listen, watch or consume your content, will be watching it AFTER it was created.
You must TIME TRAVEL and consider what it will be like for people to watch or listen to your stuff in the FUTURE.
99% will consume your content at a FUTURE time…
Because the past is 100% over the minute it happens, and the FUTURE is infinite.
I know..
WHOA right?
It won’t even be close…so the perceived benefit of saying “we’re live” is FALSE.
There is NO benefit. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
It’s a crutch and it needs to be eliminated from your lexicon STAT.
Unless you want your FUTURE self, to look back and watch YOU look and sound like a schmo!
You’re not a schmo, so present yourself like THE professional you are.
Before, you had no excuse… because no one told you.
But now you know…so if you are the pro I know you are, you will adjust and move forward.
Your FUTURE SELF, and FUTURE AUDIENCE will thank you. I promise. 

Don’t get me started on using words like podcast, webinar, and vlog in your content…just START with losing the “we’re live” bullshit now.
It’ll get your noodle thinking on a different track…and that track leads AWAY from the perpetual hamster wheel of creating content that expires the minute you hit save.
If you make a living off your content, knowledge, expertise…etc…I can help you look, sound, and perform better. It’s my thing. I do it for celebrities, radio stars, and professionals in business, fitness and consulting. I can help you, if you are teachable. And how can you expect YOUR tribe to be teachable and coachable, if you aren’t? PM me if you want to work together on your FUTURE.
Did you know the TONIGHT show is taped at 5pm?
Did you know OPRAH’s WHOLE SEASON was taped in the SUMMER?
YES even the Favorite Things CHRISTMAS episode!!