Last night Natalie asked me to tuck her in…she’s 11…and of course I said YES!
As I carried her up on my back…I started thinking: I never told her something she needs to understand always…
Sure, she could assume…but I never TOLD her.
So as I kissed her forehead and reminded her to say her prayers before she drifted off to dream land I said something I think every little girl needs to know about her daddy.
“One day, you’ll be on your own and away from mom and dad. One day you’ll be married and likely have little ones of your own…you’ll be a woman who is smart enough and strong enough to do EVERYTHING you need to do…you won’t NEED me…
BUT…one day you might just want your daddy.
To hold you…
To listen to you..
To help you…
Or just to be there with you…
…for no good reason at all, other than…you want your daddy.
If you feel like that for ANY reason, EVER…
It doesn’t matter what time it is, or why or where in the world I am…
Just pick up the phone, call me and say Dad…I need you.
That’s all you need to say…
You don’t need to explain anything.
I’ll be on my way immediately.
You must know, the reason won’t matter to me. It could be a mouse in your house…or you just need a hug…
I’ll be on my way immediately.
Doesn’t matter if it’s 3am, raining in Chicago and you’re in South America…
I’ll be on my way immediately.
I want you to know this, understand this, and never forget this…and BANK on it.”
I didn’t even get halfway through that, and she was balling…which of course had me tearing up…
But when Natalie woke up a few minutes ago, she came and found ME…gave me a tender kiss and hug and said:
“Thanks for talking to me last night Dad.”
Call me a dreamer, but I want THAT for every little girl on the planet. I want THAT for every father in the world.
Now you might be thinking, you won’t always be there Matt…one day you’ll be gone. Exactly. That’s why I need to let her know this now…for her and for me.